How often do you hear of new diets coming out, new "super foods", or new rules to what you should and shouldn’t eat? Almost daily, amiright? I am a huge advocate of eating healthy, and we have made a...
Sometimes all it takes is a bottle of fresh breast milk, a toddler, and a good cry. Whoever coined the phrase “don’t cry over spilled milk” clearly never breastfed their baby, and certainly didn’t spend any time pumping. If so,...
Never did I think that at two-and-a-half-years postpartum, I’d have 30 pounds of baby weight to lose. Before I got pregnant, I was killing it in boot camp. I had a half-marathon and several 5Ks under my belt. I was...
Everyone has a budget. Thanks to having a larger family, I'm very mindful about our weekly grocery budget. It starts with the sale flyers, a paper version of grocery store wars. I aim to feed my family healthy, quality...
"Do you want to meet for coffee sometime?" By the time I got the words out, I was sweating. She hesitated before answering. I was certain she was trying to find a way to decline. But then, she smiled. "Sure! Do...
You’re sitting at the kitchen table budgeting that family vacation you have been wanting for years. This year WILL be the year, you tell yourself. You talk with your significant other and dream up the possibilities: Disney, Grand Canyon, the Bahamas, a cruise?...
That's right. We have an only child, and it's pretty great.  There are many pivotal moments in everyone’s lives. To many traditionalists, these moments go in a particular order. First you’re bopping around the world solo, then you meet someone,...
Spend enough time around a tweenager or teenager and you may find your head spinning with the peaks and valleys of their mood. At times, it may seem as if you can’t say or do anything without facing the...
Motherhood was a distant dream for me. A fantasy, really. Several years were filled with tears, frustration and struggle as my husband and I waited for a positive pregnancy test. It never came. We decided against undergoing any fertility...
Dear Portsmouth, I woke up to news of you burning. I heard helicopters above my house and smelled smoke out my window. It took just a moment on social media for me to find out the details. There was a fire...

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In + Around Seacoast

5 Seacoast Peaks Your Kid Can Summit

When you think of the Seacoast, I’m assuming that mountains don’t readily come to mind. However, while the southeastern portion of New Hampshire and...
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