This election season, it’s critical that — as mothers and women — we spend time finding clarity around what matters most to us and our families. Building this understanding takes time and energy, and let’s be real: we’re moms, and those are two things we just don’t have. This is exactly why the Chamber of Mothers has created a reflection guide. This guide effectively holds your hand as you work through the process of voting your values this election season.
Did you know that mothers control voting and spending power in the US with over 11 trillion in assets? Did you know that there are 85 million mothers in the American workforce? And did you know that in 2020, 82 million women voted vs. 72 million men.
Let’s face it, moms are powerful. We deserve to show up at the polls this election season, with an understanding of what matters most to us.
So often our voices, stories, and struggles go untold. Now is our chance to show the country what we really care about. It’s time for us to highlight and amplify the public policy issues that impact mothers, whether for ourselves or on behalf of others. Issues like affordable and accessible childcare, paid family medical leave, and improved maternal health outcomes, to name but a few.
No matter where we fall along party lines, voting should not feel complicated or difficult to navigate.
Self reflection is a critical piece of the voting process. Let’s normalize discussions about politics and voting! Below are a few of the many questions included in the Chamber of Mothers, Vote Your Values reflection guide. For those who don’t know yet, CoM is a nonpartisan 501(c)(3) uniting mothers as advocates to create a better America. Specifically, they are fighting for paid parental leave, affordable childcare, and robust maternal health support. We have a local chapter right here in the granite state. The New Hampshire Chapter provides resources, fosters community connections, and advocates for mothers’ needs in our state. Please join us!
- What are the biggest challenges you or your friends face as caregivers?
- What are the resources, people and policies that have been most helpful for you, or other caregivers you know?
- What support do you want for yourself and other mothers before, during, and after the birthing experience?
- Would your experience of becoming a parent have been different if the United States had a mandated paid family leave policy? If yes, what would have been different?
- What are the consequences of the way childcare is structured today for our state, country and economy at large?
If you were to vote based on your responses to these questions, which candidates beliefs would best align with what you care about on these issues?

There is no need to feel isolated and alone when showing up at the polls this season.
This guide is there to hold your hand as you figure out where you stand this election season. If you are unsure of your voting status, Text MOTHER to 26797 to register to vote, check current registration status, and access polling information.
Let’s show up at the ballot box both on September 10th and November 5th equipped with the information and knowledge we need as moms to vote our values.